January 7, 2014

Dear Autoworker Caravan supporters,

We are holding our fifth annual demonstration this Sunday, January 12th in front of COBO Center in downtown Detroit, site of the 2014 North American International Auto Show, and we would like YOU to join us!  

We choose the day before "media week" because reporters are here from around the world, and don't start reporting on the auto show until Monday, 1/13.  Many are looking for a story about the auto industry and Detroit, and in past years have come out to interview us on our picket line.  This year that's especially true what with the take-over of Detroit and the city entering into bankruptcy, the sale of the remaining government shares in GM, FIAT taking over 100% ownership of Chrysler, etc.

We see this as a golden opportunity to get past the Detroit corporate media censorship and tell our side of the story:  that the 1% are making out like bandits while autoworkers are living with concessionary contracts and city workers are getting thrown under the bus.  This is a time to make NOISE!  The world is watching to see what autoworkers, and the working class and people of Detroit and all of Michigan are doing in response to the assaults on our livelihoods and democratic rights.  This is the time to develop our own agenda that will help bring us together to fight as part of one common cause.

We are gathering from 1-2:30 pm in front of COBO.  We will then walk to the nearby Anchor Bar to warm up,socialize, and strategize. The bar is located at 450 W Fort St, Detroit, MI 48226.  

The good news is that weather forecasters are predicting a balmy high of 38 degrees.  

Parking: You can park on the rooftop of Cobo Center, the underground garage, or at the Anchor bar on Fort St.  There may be some curbside parking since it's a Sunday.

Attached you'll find a jpg version of the Autoworker Caravan leaflet.  We hope you'll read it for all the issues we are hoping to address, get some copies made so that you can share them with family and friends, post them at work or put up on your facebook.

You can find out more on facebook at 

Looking forward to coming together and making noise that they cannot ignore!

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