RESOLUTION #138: SOLIDARITY WITH  FIRED, INJURED GM WORKERS IN COLOMBIA Whereas, at its 2014 (36th) Constitutional Convention, the UAW resolved: “We must win justice for our brothers and sisters around the world, if we are to win justice.
June 10, 2018
UAW Convention delegates: Undo corruption in the UAW by supporting Resolution #138 in support of fired injured GM workers!  How did the corruption at the top compromise our UAW?  How did workers get sold out in exchange for joint funds.

At the UAW Constitutional Convention, June, 2014 – A TOOL FOR ELIMINATING TWO-TIER

At the UAW Constitutional Convention, June, 2014 –  A TOOL FOR ELIMINATING TWO-TIER    First and second tier workers at the Big 3 and beyond have been put in a box which they can climb out of.  UAW Skilled Trades workers were.
March 7, 2014

Auto Workers Demand An Economic ‘People’s Recovery’

Auto Workers Demand An Economic ‘People’s Recovery’ Outside Detroit Auto Show January 14, 2014 Photos and text by James Fassinger for MintPress News Detroit–As automakers prepared to trumpet record profits and reveal new car models at.


Dear Autoworker Caravan supporters, We are holding our fifth annual demonstration this Sunday, January 12th in front of COBO Center in downtown Detroit, site of the 2014 North American International Auto Show, and we would like YOU to join.
January 7, 2014

Welcome to the Autoworker Caravan blog

by Frank Hammer October 23, 2013 Update:  Concerned that VW workers were reading this letter to the skilled trades workers, the pro-company so-called "team members" decided to pull their link to the Autoworker Caravan blog.  Maybe.
October 21, 2013

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