September 24, 2012

Ex-GM Colombia Workers Lift Hunger Strike

Dear Friends,

Thank you to all the people who have supported our struggle and who have shown it to us through your actions of help and solidarity. We respectfully wish to inform you that we have made the decision to lift our hunger strike as a show of our commitment to a definitive solution to our demands, and to demonstrate our will to talk and our hope for a prompt, just and final mediation.

September 11, 2012

Chrysler Trades Appeal Update

by Martha Grevatt & Frank Hammer

Adding Insult to Injury

The UAW International Executive Board has stalled for over ten months without replying to an international appeal filed last November by Chrysler skilled trades members. The appellants-George Windau (Local 12), Alex Wassell and Martha Grevatt (both Local 869), and over 300 co-signers - charged that the IEB violated their seperate ratification rights defined in the UAW Constitution. These rights guarantee that ratification by production (the majority), doesn't impose bad skilled trades agreements on skilled trades (the minority). The majority of Chrysler tadespeople voted down the national agreement in October, but less than 24 hours after the final ballot was cast the IEB declared the entire contract ratitified.